Wednesday, January 15, 2014

We are having a baby !!!

No really, we are.  Our due date is September 7th ... No really, it is.  Ironically, or not, it also happens to be my birthday.  While a physical birth in the case of Joanne and I might have as much of a chance of happening as it did for Zechariah and Elizabeth, we are certainly in the midst of a spiritual birth process.  As the calendar turned to 2014 a few weeks back, on contemplating the timeline of 9 months before the official birth of Common Table, Joanne commented that this was going to be much like having a baby.  I will take her word on this as one having experienced it first hand.
As we have talked through this analogy, it has become so much clearer for my "guy" brain to see how this absolutely fits.  See if you can follow me on this:
  • Anxiously questioning  "what are we doing?" "How did we get here?" "How can we afford to do this?"
  • Settling in to the reality that "we are doing this and this is the arrival date"
  • Sharing the news with those who hold emotions everywhere from "that's amazing" to "what were they thinking?"
  • Morning sickness ... Those days when I wake up and want to cash it in and give up
  • Realizing that giving up is not an option and that "this too shall pass"
  • 2nd trimester
  • Feeling completely inadequate for the task and responsibility
  • Preparation mode ... Where will this baby live
  • Enlisting ... "Help!!!"  (Think showers and gifts)
  • Announcements ... The where and when of the blessed event
  • 3rd trimester
  • Bigger and more uncomfortable
  • It's time
  • Oh my!
  • Now what?
And to be honest, sometimes it all takes place in our minds on the same day.  It's a crazy ride with so much eternity in the balance.  Fortunately, as is the case in so many birth processes, we don't do this alone.  In fact we weren't meant to do it alone.  We have friends, we have family, we have well wishers and others who are anxiously awaiting the birth.  There are even those who, at present, have no idea that their lives are about to be touched by a new birth.  They have no idea that their story is about to collide with ours and be introduced to the larger story that God is writing.  So many possibilities locked into the promise of a new birth.
But here's the is the case with so many births that take place across the world every day, this does not occur in a vacuum.  It happens in the presence of others.  It happens through the presence of others.   I can tell you from experience that it is a wonderful thing to be supporting the birth of a new church.  Joanne and I have lived this in recent years through our support of churches in El Paso and Buffalo.  I can tell you from experience that it is not merely "giving money". It is literally watching something transform from dream, God's dream, to reality.  We have watched, with a measure of pride and satisfaction as both of these churches took their first steps, knowing that we had a small part in it.  I used to think that it was a small part taking part in this way.  I have since learned that there are no small parts in this process.  God uses every gift and individual in profound ways.  We have found ourselves changed by the process.
For the next 9 months we will be actively part of this birth narrative here in Seattle.  We will be faithful to it and we will bring others along who can, in the end, say that "I was part of new life". Many have contributed to the earliest days of this journey, but we would love to bring more along. We would love to have more experience the joy of a new life, one that ultimately leads to eternal life.  Would you consider joining us for this nine month countdown to arrival...join us in prayer and join us financially, either with a special one time gift or a 9 month commitment.  It's very easy to do and it's a very powerful spiritual journey that you can embark on.  Just go to this link for all the details on giving to the birth of Common Table.  Then enjoy the journey ... you'll be brought along for a very incredible ride ... and just like us, you'll never be the same.

(if you choose to give a gift, be sure to note it for "Common Table")