Tuesday, August 9, 2016

What does a follower of Jesus really look like? - August 7

This past Sunday we began a journey of discovery to answer the question "What does a follower of Jesus really look like?".  Back in the earliest days of Common Table we centered ourselves on Jesus call in Matthew 28 to "go and make disciples".  He didn't call us to make Christians or church goers or nice people.  He didn't call us to humanitarianism or socialism or any other -ism in particular.  He called us to make disciples ... otherwise known in our terminology as followers.  Now Webster defines a disciple as literally "someone who accepts and helps to spread the teachings of an individual" ... in our case that person is Jesus.  Notice that this implies not just an acceptance of Jesus, most do not struggle there.  The overlooked implication is that a true follower helps "spread the teachings of that individual (Jesus).  This is admittedly where the majority of us fall short.  
It is my belief that we struggle with what a follower looks like (and does) because we are intimidated by the word "disciple".  It seems to be one of those deep, complex, never able to attain, bible concepts reserved for the saints of old.  So we are going to spend some time over the next several weeks taking a look at just what those first "disciples" really looked like ... at what it really looked like to "walk in the dust of the Rabbi" as the ancient Hebrews referred to the process of becoming a disciple (follower).
This past Sunday all began with an examination of the early calling of Simon (Peter), James and John into a life of following.  You can read about it in Luke 5:1-11.
Here are some things we discovered there:
Characteristics of a "Jesus follower"
  1. (vs 2) Regular people leading regular lives (fishermen, tax collectors, activists, ___________, __________, _________)
  2. (vs 5) Regular people leading regular lives with regular doubts
  3. (vs 5) Regular people leading regular lives with regular doubts making irregular choices

  1. (vs 8) Regular people leading regular lives with regular doubts making irregular choices having an irregular awareness of their need
  2. (vs 11) Regular people leading regular lives with regular doubts making irregular choices having an irregular awareness of their need while pursuing an irregular path

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