Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Calling and contentment

Church planting isn't for everyone...by everyone, of course I am meaning all of those who are called into pastoral ministry.  I'm in a bit close to it to explain why, but I can at least share from my own journey and possibly where it intersects with others called to the same.  I can begin by saying that it is indeed a calling and a particular personal wiring which one has that lends itself as affirmation to the calling.  The particular wiring might be best described as an "entrepreneurial spirit".  It is the same wiring that can seperate success from failure in leading anything from the ground up, whether it be a business, an organization, or an institution.  In its earliest forms it can be a very lonely place.  Eventually it leads to partnership, collaboration and community building, but in its earliest form, it manifests itself deep in the heart of the individual.  This is true of business.  This is true of church planting.
In the realm of a faith community, the best I can relate it is as Bill Hybels describes a "holy discontent ".  I can best describe it as a deep void like feeling in the heart that something is just not as it should be or was intended to be.  More than that though is the conviction that you could and should do something about it to set it right.  Here is where it gets complicated.  Many would see their holy discontent in light their dissatisfaction in the established church.  I might go out on a limb to say that this is not the sort of thing that should lead one into a journey of planting a new church that could "do things better".  It's pretty much basic pastoral ministry 101 to realize that there will be a level of dismay, discouragement, and discontent as the years and absurdity add up while valiantly trying to lead a consumer culture towards a sacrificial life of following Jesus.  It is my sincere belief that the discontent needs to be centered on the pastoral heart and not the pastorate.  In other words, what is your place in the matter and what are you, yourself and personally capable of doing about it?  The question is not " is there a better church for me?"  The question needs to be " is there a better me for the cause of the Church?"
If you are looking for a better church, dust off your résumé and put it out there.  Undoubtably there is one, for a period of time anyway...before the facade wears away and people just can't be the best version of themselves anymore.  Here is the reality though...there needs to be more churches and then by design there needs to be more people to plant those more churches.  God knows who those people are...he designed them and planted within them a holy discontent, not directed at a church, but towards their role in the Church.  It is not a fad thing, or a cool thing, or the latest thing.  it has been around since the days of Paul.  It's a giftings thing, as in he gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be.... You get the idea.
It is my experience that the discontent comes from being somewhere doing something for too long that you really weren't intended to do.  And it goes both ways.  There are pastors who should be stop
trying to be church planters and there are church planters who should stop trying to be pastors.  It can eventually be harmful both ways.  Both are necessary and God has provided and equipped both.  We just need to figure out the calling thing.

1 comment:

  1. I found this site through googling "South Lake Union church plant." I'd love to hear more about your specific plan.

    I'm interested because I attend a church in South Lake Union that could really use the energy and vision of a young (as in under age 70) church planter. Do you have any interest in helping with church revitalization?
