Blessed are those
who hunger and thirst for righteousness … for they will be filled
Substitute the word
"righteousness" for just about anything else … is the answer (they
will be filled) the same?
/ fame / influence / wealth / health
Answer this question:
I am hungry and
thirsty for a world where ____________
Righteousness defined - about 1200 times in scripture (restorative
justice) …
is when God restores everything that was shattered when sin entered the world
and pieces it back together
- Sin destroyed not only how we relate to God … but also each other and creation itself … it's relational
- Relational breakdown is at the root of every symptom of injustice that we see around us … it's our reality, but the restoration has been underway ever since Jesus appearance
It is a struggle
though … between our own version and the righteousness of God
Your own …
"within the
character of (what you claim) and where it matches what you do
you identify as a follower of Jesus … righteousness is what you claim (belief,
internal) vs what you do (actions, external)
Matthew 6:1-18
Read this Lectio
- 1st reading … listen for a word or phrase that stands out to you
- 2nd reading … what is it about that word or phrase that is calling to you
- 3rd reading … what is it calling you to do
Bringing in harmony
what we claim with what we do: (restoration/redemption)
Blessed (it is well
with) those who hunger and thirst for
Righteousness of God
"within the
character of God and where it matches what he has done (and is doing in the
person of Jesus)"
Only in the pursuit
of that will we be filled … not in our own self centered pursuits
In the "public
examples of social injustice and brokenness,
how do we step into those? … with everyday practices?
brokenness … who do we know, whose
stories are we listening to?
… Where/how do we shop? What do we buy,
where does it come from?
… how do we care for, (clean water)
"righteousness" is a relational word … and it describes the
relationship between He and his creation.
It is a broken relationship that he is seeking to redeem … and his
method of redemption flows through us … not in heroic feats necessarily, but
also in everyday practices:
Obstacles to the pursuit of righteousness:
can always find someone else (the faceless "they") to blame
tend to believe the lie "what can I do, I am only _____________ or what
can we (Common Table) do, we are only"
Our mission is to
join in his redemptive and restorative plan … the righteousness of God
Kingdom Practices
1. Holding brokenness before God every day
this week, will you join us in holding injustice before God? You may choose to
hold the specific brokenness you identified before God each day, or perhaps as
you see injustice around you, you will hold it before God as you move about
your day. Pray for justice, and listen to God. Is he inviting you to join him
in any way? Find those organizations in
your neighborhood or in your social media feed … pray for their efforts
I am hungry for a world… so I will… How can you join God in bringing
righteousness to the relationships around you in tangible ways this week? Where
do you see brokenness and how can you begin to bring or influence healing?
3. Connect with an organization committed
to bringing justice. There are organizations all over Seattle making a
difference in the areas of our hunger and thirst for righteousness. Spend some
time researching these organizations and find a way to join them this week.